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Sophrology: the next big wellness trend

Dominique Antiglio, Sophrologist

Sophrology is a well-being practice that blends Eastern philosophies and Western science to tap into your resilient self. It uses breathing, relaxation, body awareness, meditation and visualisation techniques designed to help you connect with your resilience and improve your mental and physical health.

It allows you enjoy the present and move forward in a positive way. Sophrology involves a physical element with gentle body movements and exercises to allow for a true mind-body connection that lets us tap into the wisdom of our bodies. When we agree to listen, consciousness reveals itself through the body and mind.

The benefits

Sophrology is helpful for those who feel the need to relax, recharge, re-centre, and who want the best out of life for themselves and those around them. It can also help to improve the quality of your sleep, increase energy levels and focus, help you let go of anxieties, and to learn to enjoy the present moment. It is a great tool to you prepare for events i.e. presentations and interviews, where you are nervous or lack confidence too.

Whether you struggle with your emotions, stress, sleep, an overactive mind or a toxic relationship, it will help you reach a state of balance so you can positively use your energy for what truly matters to you. Sophrology helps you become more mindful of your needs, your limits, your strengths and capabilities so you can create more happiness in your life.

I believe it’s something every person should have to help them connect with their “superpower” and cope with life’s pressures. We all seem to have a lot of pressure from all aspects of life – the pressure to “have it all” and succeed in everything we do.

Sophrology vs mindfulness and meditation

One of the principles in Sophrology states that we can decide how we are going to experience certain events even when we can't change them. We are therefore responsible for our experience and how we respond to situations. The ability to take control of how we handle these situations and feel about outcomes is the key differentiator to mindfulness or meditation.

You can think of Sophrology therefore, as an evolution of meditation and mindfulness where you learn to tap into your resilience and strength to deal with life’s challenges and create more balance and happiness.

It is more dynamic than meditation and mindfulness. Life is busy, so a lot of people find it hard to sit still and meditate. Sophrology’s simple step-by-step approach adapts to different needs and abilities so that everyone can access a meditative state and enjoy the many other benefits the practice brings.

Top tips to help you practice Sophrology

1.If you practice Sophrology in the morning, it will help to put you in the best positive mindset for the rest of your day.

2.To enhance your practice, create a private space at home or in the office with a comfy chair. You may wish to personalise your space with a photo of a loved one or have an item of sentimental value nearby to enhance the connection of the space to your inner world. You could also light a scented candle to create a sense of calm and tranquillity in your space.

3. If you only have a sofa and a noisy family around you, don’t let it stop you! Secure the space so everybody is safe, plug in your headphones and start a guided practice.

4. If the only 10 minutes you can find are during your commute to work, then start there and over time, it will help you find 10 minutes somewhere else in your day.

5. Personally, I have a comfy chair in my light, airy and minimalist office where I love to sit and start my Sophrology meditation practice mid-morning. I usually have a cup of herbal tea nearby to drink when I finish too.

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