There is scarcely a self-help programme that doesn’t advocate the benefits of rest, but when it comes to getting our daily quota, many of us are falling short.
Contrary to popular belief, this problem doesn't just come down to sleep (or lack of it). It is also a consequence of not enough periods of ‘waking rest’ in the day.
Waking rest is harder to achieve than it sounds, given that it's not enough to simply swap one screen for another and call it 'time out.' Imposed switch-offs are instead what’s needed, and nothing facilitates this better than setting the scene, so to speak.
This will look different for everyone, but when working from home, there is much to be said for calling in certain ‘time out tools’ that will help to change the tone and atmosphere of a room to one more conducive to mindfulness and rest.
Lighting and scent are fundamental to this process, and this is something that is at the heart of Cheshire Scents , specialists in luxurious and long-lasting home fragrances.

Their 100% soy wax melts not only help to set a tone of calm, but also make your living room smell lusciously luxe, all owing to one sumptuous snap of a deliciously scented bar!
As the aroma fills your room (Fresh Mint and Rhubarb anyone?), you can sit back and indulge in the ultimate digital detox, the benefits of which can be far-reaching, including helping to refresh your mind, change your perspective, renew focus, and keep your goals in the spotlight.
There is also evidence that resting while awake can improve memory formation, since the brain reviews and ingrains its many learnings during periods of rest.
Of course, research on breaks is a generalisation, but the ritual of setting the scene, lighting a wax melt and removing digital distractions is one not to be sniffed at, and not least because it smells good enough to eat!
Sponsored by Cheshire Scents