As the batch-cooking resumes for another month of staying indoors, we’re once again on the look out for low-waste, high-taste recipes that are as comforting as they are healthy
With World Vegan Month now upon us, plant-based is officially the order of the day, with the many more of seeing this annual observation as a chance to try something different and positive when it comes to our eating habits.

Tofu, as a staple plant-based substitute, might have had a bad rep in the past, but this once ‘tasteless’ soy saviour has since moved with the times to become THE must-have stock item for those edging towards a more plant-based diet.
With the help of Bang Curry, we created this Tofu Khulna Bang Curry, both as a nod to November’s plant-based mission, and also as a solution to hump day hunger, which we all know begins and ends with curry. Always!
For the recipe head on over to our Instagram stories now!