At this time of year, there’s possibly no better way to settle in for a cosy evening at home, than with a fresh-from-the-oven pasta bake.
Pasta is often assumed to fall short on the nutrition stakes, but this popular misconception scarcely takes into account the huge potential for making a highly balanced meal using this staple starchy ingredient.
Tuna pasta bake, made with wholemeal pasta, and with added vegetables for good measure, combines all the elements of a 'dinner winner', from a nutrition stance at least. In other words...fibre, slow-release carbohydrates, protein, good fats…and nutrient-rich veggies to boot!
With this week being National Seafood Week, we’ve teamed up with Tenorio Tuna to bring you this quick, easy and tasty pasta bake recipe.
Tenorio Tuna is a good source of protein and omega 3 fats, and has become an iconic brand in Portugal thanks to its superior quality.
Tenorio Dolphin Safe tuna fillets are sourced from the highest quality fish, found in the waters of the Atlantic, and are available to buy at
250g wholemeal pasta
50g plain flour
150g cheese
50g butter
150ml milk
5 mushrooms, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
3 tins Tenorio Tuna
Cook the pasta for roughly 2/3 of the stated cooking time, then drain.
Whilst the pasta is cooking, make the sauce by melting 50g butter in a pan. Once melted, quickly whisk in the flour and at the same time, slowly pour in the milk, whisking continuously until smooth and creamy (add more milk if required).
Add the cheese and continue to mix until the cheese has melted into the sauce.
Set the sauce aside, then lightly cook the mushrooms and pepper for approx 4 minutes in a separate pan, with a little butter.
Add the sauce to the pasta, then mix in the cooked mushrooms and peppers.
Add in the tuna, stirring thoroughly to combine, and then transfer to a baking dish.
Sprinkle with more cheese, then bake for 20 minutes
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