Tomorrow, you can expect things to be a little quiet on here, as many us will be jumping on board with @iamwholeuk’s annual Digital Detox Day and giving our devices the red card!!
The prescription that this day offers, for 24 device-free hours, is one that is appropriate for myriad of health complaints, ranging from stress, to overwhelm… right through to anxiety and insomnia.
One of the main stumbling blocks to completing the challenge is, however, finding an alternative activity to occupy our minds… and fingers.
Inspired by a post by @alice.sampo earlier today, we thought this quick and easy craft activity was the perfect antidote to digital detox boredom, AND it has the added bonus of potentially tapping into a creativity that we might not know we had in us... were it not for being let loose with some saving foam and poster paints!
For the full video how-to head on over @alice.sampo’s page (although we did a quick demo on stories too.)
The assumption is often that arts and crafts like this are just for children, but this is a preconception worth casting aside this weekend, as we all endeavour to explore new and healthier ways to relax, unwind and pass the time.
Digital Detox Day – like all detoxes – doesn’t promise to be an overnight fix, nor does it necessarily have the kind of long term benefits we sometimes mistakenly pin on short term solutions.
However, what is does offer is an opportunity to explore other non-digital avenues of entertainment that we might have forgotten we enjoyed, or which hadn’t even ever crossed our minds as a potential way to pass a Saturday morning.
Overall, the message of tomorrow is one of opportunity. An opportunity to switch lanes, drop a gear, rest our minds...and repurpose everyday cosmetics in the name of creativity!
Whether you choose to do this through shaving-foam crafts, or something less messy, there’s guaranteed to be much more on the cards, than just paint!! 🎨