Anyone who tuned into the Friends’ reunion earlier this week, will have been reminded of this show’s unique knack for one-line synopsis’!
The ability to convey in just a few words, the defining moment that makes each episode memorable, and sets it apart from every one that’s both preceded, and followed it!
By this token (and given we LOVE a metaphor), today’s title credits would be all over these feathered cuties!
By titling the everyday as though it were a Friends episode, using a diary or journal for good measure, there’s a chance of channeling some of the Friend’s focal-pointing, that serves the sitcom so well.
Identifying a key moment that makes a day special or unique, makes it possible to set a reference point, for our future selves to remember what each ‘episode’ in our life stood for, and what made it count.
For those of us who don’t have time for journaling, this is an approach that represents a workable compromise. A compromise based on the reality that we often don’t want to rewatch a whole episode we’ve already seen, but instead just relive the moment that made us laugh (or cry) the most!