‘You need more iron!’
Implored the Midwife, whilst reeling off the usual second trimester self-care spiel.
It made sense (I was tired, out of breath…all the usual signs), and at the time, the news of low iron levels didn’t come as a great surprise!
The ‘toddler mum’ diet of tea and biscuits, coupled with the nutritional demands of a second pregnancy in 2 years, was never going to bode well for a probably already questionable iron status - something that 1 in 4 women are apparently affected by.
If I’d known then what I know now, I probably wouldn’t have relied solely on some sporadic spinach eating efforts as a way of correcting this shortfall.
Instead, it would have paid to consider Active Iron - taken alongside a balanced, wholefood diet - to help to bridge the dietary gaps that busy life and individual physiology so often creates.
Clinically proven to increase iron levels and energy levels¹, Active Iron is specially formulated for those whose physiology and lifestyle makes it difficult to achieve adequate iron levels by diet alone.
With 8 in ten unable to tolerate most iron supplements, correcting deficiencies has not always been straightforward, but Active Iron is different.
Its non constipating formula is clinically proven to deliver 2Xbetter absorption of iron sulfate² (by targeting the natural site of iron absorption in the body), making it gentle on the stomach. This means it helps avoid common complaints such as constipation and nausea.
I’m not saying supplements are a panacea, nor a substitute to a balanced diet, but if you happen to lead from a place of lack, as so many of us do, then this one-a-day back up plan might just be the one to help iron out the gaps in your diet!
Sponsored by Active Iron
*If you are on any medication or have a pre-existing condition, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any food supplements. Please seek medical advice before undertaking any dietary changes.
¹Ledwidge et al. 2021. Data on file. ²Wang et al. 2017, Acta Haematologica, 138: 223-232.