(But I’m not complaining!)
Of course, the woes and weather warnings stand to reason, but beyond all the caveats of keep-cool and take-cover…there is a very real opportunity in the next few days, to lean into the rare luxury that comes from being advised (in a round-about way) to down tools…for pools!
Lounging at the lido might not be standard Saturday behaviour, but at this time when ice packs and air con just aren’t cutting it, there’s arguably no better way to heed health guidance… than by defaulting to holiday mode, with a little help from the Thames Lido.
From here, it’s hard to reconcile the cool blue aesthetic of the could-be-anywhere-in-the-world poolside…with the red-washed weather map of doom - not that this is a green light for complacency, of course. #wearsunscreen
Instead, what it is, is a heads up for the ultimate heatwave coping mechanism, conveniently wrapped up as an out-of-office appetiser and ‘cardio day’…all in one!
📸 @thameslido