I’ve always found it immensely frustrating, that so much of the advice that ‘self-care’ centres on, just doesn’t seem to work within the parenting framework.
‘Take time for you’ - they say.
‘Carve out some me-time’ - goes the spiel!
In the absence of a routine that felt conducive to actioning this kind of advice (in its most cliché’d form, at least), what I have embarked upon instead, is a carefully-curated way of collecting crumbs of calm, from within the chaos.
What this looks like – among other ‘micro habits’ - is THIS!
A Keepcup of coffee and a Fitbakes chocolate treat - unapologetically squeezed in the 20 minute window of interruption-free opportunity that presents every day, around 3pm, in the interim between park up….and school pickup!
It was my specific New Year’s intention, to try and fill these precious ‘free’ minutes with more than thumb-twiddling, radio-flicking and phone scrolling, by re-creating the cosy-corner-in-a-coffee-shop experience that my days never seemed to quite allow for.
To this end, each journey is now foregrounded in a coffee-making, snack-packing ritual, and a pinky-promise-to-self, to savour every second of these ‘and breathe’ moments...not to mention the low sugar, high protein chocolate morsels!
Granted, my protein and polyphenol ‘power pair’ might not make me a poster girl for ‘pamper time’ per se, but in the context of real-life, rainswept and run-ragged days, there's arguably no better #healthhack to put ones-self in the driving seat of self-care!
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