Rain is inconvenient at the best of times, but when measured against the heatwave of this time last year...it’s especially miserable!
With June just around the corner, we’d probably assumed that by now, we’d be basking in those much-anticipated ’brighter days’ - the promise of which had single-handedly incentivised us through the winter lockdown.
Instead, the February showers are going strong, and our ‘weather resilience’ is starting to run more than a little dry.
For those of us who are feeling the ‘rain drain’ beginning to take its toll, you’re certainly not alone, especially given the often complex challenge of detaching our mood... from the external environment!
For this reason, we’ll be mostly embracing the cosy this weekend, and hunkering down with an almost festive abandon, in the hope that the feel-good vibes might just follow. Teamed with a hearty dose of silver-lining thinking (we’re keeping all fingers crossed for the promised heatwave on the horizon), this simple approach might just stand us in good stead...to better let these rainy days, go over our head!