It’s a bugbear that I’ve touched upon more than a few times in the last few weeks!
The fact that my early evening run routine, has been THWARTED by the thorn-in-the-side that is…daylight saving time!
Yes, it’s now DARK - nay, pitch black - at around the same time that a mere month or so ago, was a fair-weather runner’s delight! Moderate, ambient and predictably sun-drenched - even at 7pm!
I try not to dwell on these times, or their ease and appeal from a pavement-pounding perspective.
Instead… I’m powering through, and making up for what is lacking in visibility and motivation, in sheer defiance and make-shift-lighting mod-cons!
The Million Mile Light - the ultimate movement-powered clip-on light - is quite possibly THE thread that my 2k-a-day habit is holding on by, especially in these times where the odds could easily sway in favour of battening-down-the-hatches.
As the must-have gadget for evergreen fitness enthusiasts like me, who are determined NOT to let the small matter of winter darkness, rain on their running parade, the Million Mile Light commands attention…on and off the road!
Small, light and easy to attach, simply clip on or attach to any part of your clothing with the handy elastic band, and allow this movement powered light to indicate your presence to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists along your route!
This - it’s potentially just what the sensible (perhaps fearful) side to my running personality needs, to feel confident in striding out after sunset in the weeks and months to come.
A shining ‘look at me’ beacon of hope, if you will, that might (just might) give my running regime the legs it needs, to outrun even the juggernaut of mince pie o clock…and Strictly Come Dancing!
Sponsored by Million Mile Light