It might not feel much like ‘Freedom Day’, but what it does feel like, is a good day for a swim… which is kind of the same thing, some would say.
Swimming is, by all accounts, the vicarious unleashing that might just help soften the absence of any real-world unshackling… for the time being at least!
With an immersive, meditative aspect that also, quite conveniently, enforces a digital detox, it’s no wonder that swimming not only naturally lowers stress, but also - apparently- reverses the damage said stress can exert on the brain.
It does this through a process called ‘hippocampal neurogenesis’, which means it supports the regrowth of new brain cells. #whoknew
Couple this effect, with the naturally relaxing effects of stretching, deep breathing, sunshine and fresh air (assuming you’re swimming outside) and what you have is an elixir that it pays to dip a toe in the water of, whenever and wherever you get the chance.