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How I’m revamping my running regime for autumn

Updated: Sep 24

Last week, it seemed as though Autumn had well and truly arrived, and with it, came a whole new lack of enthusiasm for my early evening running routine!

As the rain fell and the skies greyed, hesitation and procrastination abounded, where once energy and enthusiasm had been the default!


It was a plight best summed up, by the burgeoning draw of a ‘nice cuppa’ at my usual run-o-clock. It felt both unfamiliar and frustrating, given the backdrop of such a rich vein of running form (something that summer is well-known for permitting!)


In this particular instance, it was a victory of discipline over the Darjeeling! However, I’m not naive to the likelihood of further bouts of ‘it’s-raining-maybe-I’ll-give-it-a-miss’ syndrome ahead.

With this in mind, I began implementing a series of contingencies, to hopefully protect against at least some of the hibernation season’s worst fitness obstacles.

These ‘preventatives’ ranged from the nutritional… to the practical, and in the former case, they are not intended to be prescriptive (fitness and nutrition are highly individual - it goes without saying!)

With this caveat in mind, and in no particular order, the ‘new’ habits are:

  • A daily iron and glucosamine supplement, alongside a multivitamin - to cover all bases. I have actually been taking Glucosamine for about 8 years now, and the way I know it’s working, is that as soon as I stop, the dreaded walking-downstairs ‘runner’s creak’ returns! The iron is a new addition (I opted for Spatone - which is more palatable than most!) but has definitely helped with feeling less tired in the evenings, in particular.

  • Throwing out all my old socks (most of which were mismatched and threadbare) and replacing them with some extra-cushioning Sedz ones* (gotta’ support those 41 year-old knees every which way possible.)

  • An ‘everything-in’ morning smoothie! Complete with almond butter, honey, chia seeds, oats, blackberries (picked and frozen from the garden last month) and avocado.

These habits have gone some way towards optimising my energy regulation (and helping keep the niggling knee pain at bay) which, on the face of it, means that my excuses for being a fair weather runner, are now running pretty thin on the ground!


*Sedz socks are engineered with a highly durable (and 100% recyclable) ‘Prolen’ material, which provides extra comfort and moisture management during extended wear. They boast a perfectly ‘on trend’ quarter length design, and incorporate both anti-blister technology (which reduces friction) and cushioned support, for help maintaining that all-important ‘spring in your step’ this autumn.

Sponsored by Sedz Socks


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