Where the heart is? ❤️
Wherever I lay my hat? 🎩
Where my office is? 💻
All of the above?
Nowadays, the definition of home is both complex and multi-faceted.
For many of us now, ‘home’ is no longer just a feeling. It’s functional, and recognisable primarily for the portal that it provides to SO MANY different versions of ourselves.
The very concept of ‘homeliness’ has, it seems, moved with the times!
Warmth, belonging and safety… they remain as important as ever, but as a close second to soft furnishings and precious souvenirs, there’s those practical features that instil our individual interests into a space…and which ultimately make it our own.
As we head into the Winter months, this open-ended nature of what makes a house a 'home', is something to lean into as much as possible.
Home might traditionally be the sum total of memories and relationships, but by today’s standard, it’s as much a pushpin for our identity…as it is our hearts!