Has anyone else noticed, how there hasn’t been much complaint (on social or otherwise) about the fact that the shops are already adorned with Christmas stock, even though it’s only October?
Any other year, there’d be no escaping the noise of offence at tinsel and mince pies venturing to steal autumn’s thunder!
Truth be told, this year, we’re probably all feeling just that little bit grateful for the premature merriment, and not least because the retail experience - and life in general - now needs all the additional cheer that it can get, to make it even marginally bearable!
So shopkeepers, here’s your permission to pack in all the sparkle, mince pies, tree decorations, advent calendars, collection boxes and Seasonal Bailey’s your shelves can take!
Coca Cola and John Lewis...let’s get the feel-good adverts underway!
Of course, there are some reading this post who might not agree with the sentiment of Christmas in Autumn, but what even the most unconvinced can’t argue with, is that it’s never too early to get Love Actually or Home Alone on our screens!
The titles of these films have never felt more apt, nor has their nostalgia ever been more needed.
As for 2020, in the words of Kevin McAlistair....
‘keep the change ya filthy animal!!’
📷 @bakeddartisanbakery unbeatably epic mince pies. Please say these will be returning soon?