If you’ve found yourself wondering, what’s been achieved in this time vacuum of a year… here’s a little hack that might help!
The ‘TA DA’ list!
The ‘TA DA list’ is the antithesis of the ‘to-do’ list, and is designed to document all the things you HAVE done already...however infinitesimal they may seem.
Noting down all these accomplishments can deliver a motivational boost at a time when we’re prone to feeling unproductive and discouraged by all that we’ve not achieved this year.
Generally speaking, we’re much better at remembering unfinished tasks than completed ones, says Russian Psychiatrist Bluma Zeigarnik, who discovered this phenomenon in the 1920s and referred to unfinished items as ‘cognitive itches.”
This in mind, we couldn’t let this year go out without a little reflect back on some of the ‘ta das’ of the last otherwise questionable 12 months!
These include:
- Helping organise a sellout yoga event in January with @happyheartflow
- Working with the @townsend_twins to produce online workout videos at the start of the first lockdown
- Teaming up with @genesisgym_marlow for Comic Relief
- Donating 9 inches of hair to @officiallittleprincesstrust
- Working out with @nelliemcfitness
- Cooking carbonara with @theocooks
- Talking lockdown fashion with @reimagise
- Sharing a virtual cuppa with @afternoontealondon
- Filming the first campaign video for @shopmystyle.uk with @love_disfigure @a.l.fraser @the_vitalitycoach & @ellajone_s
- Rebranding @healthy_magazine after 12 years, with the help of @izzi_paints
- More quality family time
- Recording endless recipe demos
- Designing some one-off fashion pieces with @joannakfashion
What are your 2020 TA DAs?!