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Clutter, be gone!!

Writer: Caroline MatthewsCaroline Matthews

Updated: Jan 21

I watched a podcast with Sophie Elis-Bexter this morning, where she was speaking to Ferne Cotton about the recent ‘sorting out phase’ she was going through.

It came across as a phase of ruthless decluttering and streamlining, and it sounded, in this moment, infinitely appealing.

Not least, because the bane of ‘stuff’ on the smooth-running of everyday life is something I’ve been feeling more keenly in recent weeks than ever.

In the mornings, I feel rather like a blender without a lid, and there’s no doubt that this sense of chaos would be less…if ‘finding’ wasn’t such an entrenched part of the getting-ready equation.

Finding matching socks.

Finding PE kits.

Finding hair brushes, hair bands (WHERE do they all go!?) lip balms….water bottles!!

As Sophie spoke animatedly of her new-found mission to minimalise, the urge to jump on this therapeutic de-cluttering bandwagon was palpable.

And so it begun, right then…with as good a starting point as any.

The make-up bag.

I don’t know about anyone else, but 90% of the contents of mine is either soooo ‘last season’ or dried up that it’s useless at best… a health hazard at worst (what’s the rule on the life span of a lipstick again?) 💄

Alas… the whole lot has officially and thankfully gone, never to return, and in its place – a rather insta-worthy (if I do say so myself) capsule make-up box (by @beautifect …fyi!)

In it, are nothing but the bare essentials – the net result of much trial, error and whittling down which of the ‘tools’ the beauty industry insists are a ‘must have’ actually are… and which definitely aren’t. (Clik image below for reel.)

Capsule beauty kit

I may do a little post individually on these products, but for now, the brief inventory is this:

@honeybalmuk - the little pots are the cutest, and the ingredients are all natural!

@violette_fr bisou balm - the ultimate red lip, for people that don’t do red lipstick!

@loccitane_uk_ire - nothing but rich shea will do!

@versace Patchouli Precieux - this is a special edition (kindly gifted by @aspectsbeauty) and definitely a new fave!


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