We all have days, when it’s hard not to contrast the mounting stresses of being a grown up, against the halcyon days before bills, deadlines and responsibilites!
In the absence of being able to veto adulting, per se, yoga might just hold some of the answers to tapping back into a more carefree mindset… even if only for 5 minutes!
For carving out these precious moments of calm and escapism, Child’s Pose is unrivalled, and a fitting example of the ‘ad hoc’ aspect of yoga, that scarcely comes across on the ‘yogigram’!
As one of yoga’s most restorative poses, Child’s Pose delivers an instant calming effect on both mind… and body.
In addition, this pose works as an antidote to the ‘desk life’ by elongating the back, opening the hips and promoting improved circulation and digestion via the "rest and digest" response.
As a quick and easy way to help recalibrate (and regress), Child’s Pose is the real-life control-alt-delete that every self-care strategy needs, especially when up against the juggernaut of adult life!
⚠️ Contraindications and Cautions: Always seek the supervision / advice of an experienced yoga teacher before starting any new exercise regime.