It’s only been a week, but for many of us, there’s no escaping the Bake Off-shaped void in our Tuesday Nights.
For the purpose of keeping the Tent tradition going (and spirits high) now that the series has ended for another year, there’s a lot to be said for putting yourself in Baker’s seat as often as time and inclination allows.
Baking is one of the main activities that has kept many of us distracted (and fed!) during lockdown, and even with restrictions beginning to ease *slightly*, the benefits of continuing to flex our culinary muscles still apply!
If you’ve tired of banana bread though, and the gingerbread isn’t taking your fancy just yet… why not jump on the blondie bandwagon, along with the other 1.5 million users plugging the hashtag on instagram?!
The ‘blonde brownie’ is relatively easy (recipe will be on stories later!), which makes it the perfect softly, softly introduction to the concept of mindful baking!

The connection between baking and good mental health comes in part from the meditative aspect of all that mixing and measuring, all of which can help to refocus your brain’s energy away from worries and concerns.
So much is this the case, that according to a new survey by Dr. Oetker, two-thirds of people said that baking usually improves their mood, which goes to prove… Blondies really do have more fun!