Working as a therapist over many years, I have found a common theme reoccurring with all ages, which is a tendency to self criticise and feel guilty. Enough! It is time to stop, hold your hands up right now and surrender to life, say to yourself 'It is what it is. I am where I am and it will be what it will be.'
Here are 3 tips to help you on your way to more confident for a healthier 2019;
1. Let go of Guilt - Write down all your guilty feelings, on a piece of paper, about not being good enough at work or at home, not earning enough or having achieved enough, or not eaten well enough or not exercised enough. Then write at the bottom of the list 'I am doing just fine' Then tear the list up into tiny pieces and throw it in the bin. You can then write a list of the things you are doing well with lots of praising statements such as 'I am AMAZING'. Learn to compliment yourself and focus on the good in your life. Try to make exercise part of your daily routine such as moving your body when you brush your teeth, walking from the far end of the car park and always taking the stairs not the lift. By incorporating more movement into your daily life, you will avoid feelings of guilt if you don't go to the gym.
2. Accept the phase - Beating yourself up about where you are with your health and fitness or career or relationships will only drag you down. Life is changing all of the time we are passing through each phase moment by moment of each day. If you don't take control of your feelings and get into the flow you will find yourself still worrying or trying to control everything this time next year. Imagine a stream with the water flowing. The water find the easiest way around the rocks and over the pebbles. Imagine going with the flow of your life. Smile as you imagine life easier with you happily enjoying exercise and eating healthily throughout the year. Enjoying being healthy as a way of life rather than as a goal. Regularly visualise the stream washing away your stress.
3.Celebrate the milestones - Getting through each day is a milestone to celebrate but not by turning to a glass of wine instead be a great role model for yourself and your family and friends. Celebrate each day with self care routines, a shower or bath at the end of your day, some gentle yoga stretches or Tai chi slow movements to relax your body and your calm mind, a herbal tea watching a film in comfy pair of pyjamas. You can also try going to bed listening to relaxation or hypnosis download recordings to soothe the stress of your life into a distant memory.
You could begin to transform with Ailsa frank's range of hypnosis downloads. Hypnotherapy reinforces positive beliefs to move you forward with a new inner confidence. Titles include, Take control of alcohol, Weight loss, Money increase your wealth, Debt free living, Build Confidence and Self-esteem, Stop Worrying...www.ailsafrank.com
Or try some bedtime reading on how to manage stress and enjoy parenting more in Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing by Ailsa Frank (published by Hay House) £10.99 available from Amazon