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Q&A with Kayla Itsines

What first inspired you to start your BBG Program? Describe your career/lifestyle beforehand? I always knew my life would focus around health and fitness. When I was growing up I loved fitness and playing sport, and how good it made me feel, like I could do anything. I wanted to help others experience that feeling, so I studied to become a Personal Trainer at the Australian Institute of Fitness.

I fell in love with Personal Training straight away, as it not only allowed me to focus on my passion, but also gave me an opportunity to connect with other women and help them on their own health and fitness journeys. Once I graduated from the Australian Institute of Fitness I started working in a women’s-only gym, and started to develop my client base.

My fiance Tobi Pearce, CEO of Sweat, and I co-created the Bikini Body Training Guides (BBG) together in 2014. We developed the BBG program to educate and support women. Tobi then launched the Sweat app in 2017, and at that time I became one of the Sweat trainers. My BBG and BBG Stronger programs are both now available to use within the Sweat app.

The training and education provided in the BBG and BBG Stronger program, together with the amazing support of the BBG Community, has helped millions of women from all over the world. It still gives me butterflies when I think how lucky I am to be able to help so many women around the world.

Tell us about your program, and how it differs from other programs out there.

I actually have two programs available within the Sweat app, BBG and BBG Stronger. My BBG Program only takes 28 minutes to complete, yet is a complete fitness solution. It focuses on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a form of exercise proven to assist with weight loss, along with resistance training, low intensity cardio and recovery sessions, to give you the most effective and efficient full-body workout.

My BBG Stronger program is perfect for women who love to workout in the gym and use the equipment. Like BBG, the workouts are 28 minute circuits, however the focus is on strength and resistance training for an overall full-body workout. It’s quick, simple to understand and will help you to transform your body and feel stronger than ever.

What is your current following?

I currently have just over 9.6 million Instagram followers, 21 million Facebook followers, and collectively through my social channels and my BBG Community, I reach over 35 million women around the world. I feel very blessed to be able to reach so many women and help them to become stronger, healthier and more confident.

You have a lot of work commitments, how do you manage your time? I run a pretty tight schedule and try to stick to routine as much as possible, even when travelling. That way I make sure I have time for my PT clients, content creation, running my social media channels, and importantly, some downtime for me. This is something I keep telling my clients, that it’s just as important to make time for yourself and look after yourself, as it is to make time for others.

For me, taking a little downtime might mean going for a walk around the block with my dogs Ace and Junior, catching up with my Yiayia and Papou for a greek coffee, or watching my favourite show on Netflix. You should never feeling guilty about this, without looking after yourself you cannot be anything to anyone else.

What do you enjoy most about what you do? Are there any perks/downsides?

My favourite part is hearing about all the amazing transformation and progress stories from my community. Every picture and story motivates and encourages me to keep spreading my health and fitness message.

With my job comes quite a lot of travel, and although I love discovering new places and meeting my BBG Community members, it can be hard to be away from my family for long periods of time. When I am away I always make sure I check in with my loved ones as often as I can.

What would be your one piece of advice to any budding health and fitness bloggers?

Do your research and really get to know your audience. Before launching my second book, The Bikini Body Motivation & Habits Guide, Tobi and I wanted to learn more about what was really happening in the lives of those in our fitness community, so we put together a survey that was completed by almost 40,000 women. That feedback gave us invaluable insight and helped us to shape the content of the book and make sure it was addressing the needs and concerns of our community.

For more information on Kayla's programmes visit

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