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'Eating healthily doesn't mean denying myself something'

Davina McCall

How do you keep yourself motivated? I get asked about motivation so often and I think that is one of the hardest things when you start working out. It's so important to feel motivated. The first thing I always say to people is sign up for something. It doesn't matter if it’s a walk or a 3k run, just sign up for something and get fit for it and the minute you've done it, sign up for the next thing. I always have two or three things a year in the diary that I have to stay fit for. I make sure I do them with friends so then you can get fit together - it's much more fun.

What is your advice to people that are struggling to get motivation?

Getting motivated is as easy as making a decision - trying is a word that I hate. You are either doing, or you are not doing. But trying is a horrible no mans land, so make that decision to do, and that will ignite your motivation and kick start it for you.

Are you at your ideal body shape? I am where I want to be now, and last year I lost about half a stone and I am going to try and stick to it. I often fluctuate, but this is where I feel the most comfortable and confident. Please don't worry if you put on a bit of weight when you work out. It's perfectly normal - muscle burns fat and you need to build muscle to burn the fat.

It is widely reported about the benefits of exercise for mental health - how have you noticed the changes in yourself since exercising?

I talk about this often on my Instagram page, because of the benefits I feel mentally and physically after exercise. Sometimes if I've trained really hard, I get a real sense of joy and euphoria, so it has a profound effect - especially in the winter when it's really important to keep the motivation going. Keeping it going helps the endorphins, and that dopamine that you get from a hit of exercise it will help keep you happy during these winter months.

What is the next fitness goal you would like to achieve?

I would like to do a Disney half marathon in Florida dressed as Arial - although the mermaid tail might be a problem, haha!

Does eating healthily come naturally to you? It does now and I think that's a really important message that I want to get across as eating heathily used to be denying myself something - but it doesn't mean eating cardboard and not getting joy out of things. It means that you eat the right foods and crucially the right amount of food. Thats why I've enjoyed doing my book, Sugar Free Family - my lifestyle has been a journey and I have now achieved a balance.

You have never looked better - are there any trouble areas you have to work harder at?

Definitely my bum, legs and calves. All of my legs and my bum I have to work very hard at.

What's been you fitness highlight to date? I would say that seeing the impact that I've had on people is always really humbling and always inspires me to keep doing what I'm doing. Helping other people whilst making myself feel good is a win win.

Davina: Toned In 10 on Blu-ray, DVD and on Digital is available now!

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