Health Magazine has a total of 13,500 social media followers across instagram, facebook. threads, TikTok and X.
The instagram reach averages 33,100 per month (four examples below.)

Over the last four years, Health Magazine has created branded content for many and varied brands, from different sectors and industries, in partnerships that include the production of written advertorial, as well as product staging and photography.
All content for Health Magazine is shared on the professional networking site Linkedin, which has 1600 followers. Average post reads on this site vary between 300 and 3000.

Travel content
The average reel views for sponsored posts is 5000 (eight linked examples are featured below.)
Previous travel projects include a 2022 PR project for Zafiro Hotels, which included the creation of blog content, as well as instagram posts and reels.
The average reel impressions for travel content is 2400 (linked examples below.)
Post reach averages 1500 per post.
More details on the travel blog can be found here.
The Health Magazine website generates approx. 8500 active users per year, the majority of whom are UK based, and 60% of whom are in the 25-50 age category.
On average, in terms of session duration and traffic from social media, Health Magazine performs 92% and 61% better (respectively) than other sites in the same category (fitness and training, according to Wix analytics.)
Blog posts
The readership of sponsored blog posts averages 200 per post.