Clutter, be gone!!
I watched a podcast with Sophie Elis-Bexter this morning, where she was speaking to Ferne Cotton about the recent ‘sorting out phase’...

Curiosity… did it really kill the cat?
Whilst on the scrounge for some New Year’s blog inspiration, I happened across Elizabeth Gilbert speaking about the little-known benefits...

So many blogs, so little time!
At the end of each year, I always like to do a 'blog count.' Not for any particular reason, other than as a way of taking stock of my...

The far-reaching, life-improving advantages of… not waiting!
I was watching the antiques roadshow the other day (peak Sunday night living!), when a piece of jewellery happened to pique my interest…...

‘No no, don’t say that!’
I’ve gotta say, I’ve always fancied myself as a bit of a mindreader. Not in a genuine I-think-I-might-be-psychic way, but rather in a...

‘Without hope or agenda. To me, Love Actually is perfect!’
It’s officially Love Actually season, and another chance to muse over this festive romcom’s unfailing ability to bring the ‘people not...

The ‘it’s not my time’ trend… and why I loathe it!
I’ve seen a lot of posts recently encouraging parents to disregard their feelings about household mess (not to mention a host of other...

Time Management: Debunking one of the most well-known techniques, for getting s*i* done!
So I spent a large part of last week, learning about 'The Pomodoro Technique', which is a productivy tool based on balancing periods of...

The life-changing power of…’yet!’
Apparently, ‘yet’ is one of the most powerful words you can have in your vocabulary. I suppose it’s kind of obvious, really, but in that...

The importance of…’marking the occasion’
I’ve always rather liked the idea of ‘marking the occasion.’ Of never letting something that’s important or significant…go...